Here is how we help you using the Milantiz Signature System.

Dealing with Milantiz is different than dealing with other IT companies. Of course, every IT company will try to fix your issue. But at Milantiz, we want to move you from a state where your IT is not working the way you want it, to a state where you have an optimal performing IT system. It is our experience that if you only fix the issue at hand, you will ultimately end up with a patchwork of Band-Aids that each can cause their own issues. 

Our customers trust us to fix an issue the right way; that is create and support an IT environment that they can count on run their business. For this reason we follow our own "Milantiz Signature System".

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The Milantiz system is like a road map that moves you from point "A - IT Not Working" to point "B - Optimal IT Performance System" in three stages. 

Stage 1 - How we deal with an Emergency Response.

Stage 2 - The Stabilization of your IT system, so that it is reliable. 

Stage 3 - Making sure you have the Optimal IT system in place supporting your business.

Stage 1 - Dealing with your Emergency Response

Each stage is broken into three steps.

Step 1 - Investigate

We have a reputation of fast response based on the severity of the issue. Depending on the situation we try to help via remote support before we actually show up on location. We follow the Milantiz proprietary system to determine if there is a larger issue at hand. We just don't want to fix a symptom while ignoring the root cause.

Step 2 - Fix

When we get ready to fix, we determine if the issue is local, network, software or hardware related and perform a backup if needed. We educate on the cause, how to resolve and how to prevent from occurring again. We typically present multiple solutions and let the customer choose which one best suit their need. We follow the Milantiz procedure to fix and let the customer validate that everything is working to their satisfaction. 

Step 3 - Document

As work is performed. Milantiz uses a central ticketing system to gather details of work performed including login credentials so that future issues can be dealt with in an expedited manner. Nobody wants to pay a tech over and over again to access the same systems. The Invoice will include the detailed information of the work performed. 

Stage 2 - Stabilizing your IT Infrastructure

This stage is also broken into three steps.

Step 4 - Environment Mapping

In preparation for a stable environment, the current infrastructure needs to be understood and mapped out in detail. This way we avoid making a change in one system that could negatively effect another system. To get a stable environment you need to keep the bigger picture in mind.

Step 5 - Stabilization Plan

Using the data gathered from the environment mapping, We create a stabilization plan. 

  1. We prioritize the list of issues found
    2.  We also prioritize fixing the root cause of any underlying issues
    3.  Plan implementation IT best practices. Antivirus/Malware, Backup, the use of Strong Passwords
    4.  Identify obsolete hardware and software since they leave your infrastructure vulnerable to attack because of inability to patch. 
    5.  Present list of recommendations

Step 6 - Implementation

We execute the plan based upon accepted recommendations. If any new issues arise from the implementation they will be analyzed and fixed. We find it important to explain what we are doing and why. At Milantiz our transparency of what we do and why we do it is essential to establish trust. You know you will not be charged for something that was unnecessary.

A Primary and Secondary Technician are assigned to your organization to provide better response time, coverage and knowledge of site.

This way we insure that we can expedite future troubleshooting. Which saves our clients time and money.

The plan also includes a support strategy that provides options for 

  • Monthly monitoring 
  • Backup
  • Antivirus

Stage 3 - Creating an optimal performing IT infrastructure

This final stage is also broken into three steps.

Step 7 - IT Goal Setting

Business goals of the company should determine its IT direction. Such as,  Single vs. Multiple locations, Central management, Reporting requirements, Remote workforce, ERP systems, Collaboration with partners, Security requirements and so on....

Creating IT goals with out taking into consideration of the Business goals will create a situation that is limiting for the business. Milantiz will research the impact of the business goals on IT and present a solution. 

Based on the environment and timeline Milantiz will propose the level of IT resources needed to hit to your business goal. 

Once the client decides on the business goals and resources needed, Milantiz will then create and present a plan to support your goals. The plan includes the following elements.

  • Hardware Upgrade/Replacement Schedule
  • Cloud Policy
  • Redundant Internet Connection
  • Software
  • Security
  • Network Configuration
  • Testing Environment and Policy
  • Virtualization Plan
Step 8 - Optimal Configuration

The Primary and Secondary technician work together with the current IT team to implement the plan and build the optimal configuration. 

Any new issues that will have come up, will be dealt with. Milantiz will make sure that you and your staff will have a full understanding of the new environment. We build procedures that explain how to keep the IT systems running in an optimal state. If this would not be done your optimal state will degrade.

Here are examples of what we have seen over time of issues that could have been prevented.

  • Web server runs out of hard drive space which resulted in taking the complete website down.
  • User fails to reboot pc on a weekly schedule which results in poor system performance and random issues.
  • Backups are assumed to be working properly. When we checked the backups and discovered they haven't been running for months. 
  • Not updating your computer systems regularly has resulted in system being hacked, leading to a full business standstill
  • And many more issues..

Milantiz provides a monitoring system to help prevent these things from happening. Benjamin Franklin once said "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"

Step 9 - Preventive Maintenance

On a routine maintenance schedule, we come by to check and do the following, we check the logs of the router, firewall, switches, servers, anti-virus, anti-malware, and other key systems for errors. 

We do this to detect failed login attempts, beginning hard drive failures, drivers out of date, someone trying to hack the system, beginning performance issues of pc, network and internet. Are cameras and backup functioning properly. 

The last thing a business operating at this level wants is a business standstill or partial business standstill, which is why they are focused on prevention vs reacting when it is to late.